Thursday 12 January 2012


Intra Uterine Contraceptive Device

What is an intrauterine contraceptive device?

An IUCD is a small device made from plastic and copper. There are two threads attached to the coil which lie in the vagina. They allow it to be removed easily. It can be placed quite easily into the womb (uterus) by a trained doctor or nurse.

How does the intrauterine contraceptive device work as a contraceptive?

It works mainly by stopping the egg and sperm from meeting. It may also prevent the fertilised egg from attaching to the lining of the uterus. The copper also has a spermicidal effect (kills sperm).

How effective is the intrauterine contraceptive device for contraception?

Modern IUCDs are very effective. Fewer than 2 women in 100 will become pregnant with five years of use of this method. Compare this with when no contraception is used. More than 80 in 100 sexually active women who do not use contraception become pregnant within one year. There are many different types of IUCD. Most copper coils will work well for at least five years. Some types work for ten years.

What are the advantages of the intrauterine contraceptive device?

Once an IUCD is inserted you can forget about contraception. So, unlike the pill, you don't need to think about contraception every day. It does not interfere with sex. It is not an hormonal method so it has no side-effects on the rest of the body. This means that it will not affect your mood, weight or libido. Having an IUCD does not increase your risk of having any type of cancer in the future.

Because it does not contain hormones, many women can have an IUCD if they wish. There are some situations where an IUCD is not recommended, such as undiagnosed, irregular vaginal bleeding and pelvic infection. Your doctor or nurse will make sure it is safe for you to use a coil, by asking questions about your health.

Ok, hari ni saya dah berjaya pakai benda alah ni. Ops, doktor la yang pakaikan.
No more pills, no injection, no implan..selamat sudah.
Sekarang saya sudah boleh pasang badan.

Premium Beautiful corset, u're my magic corset!
Oleh sebab saya dah tak ambil pil perancang lps ni, badan pun InshaAllah takkan naik, dan dengan pemakaian PB saya nak dapatkan 'hourglass' shape!

Yes, selagi ada usaha..kejayaan menanti!

Ulasan saya : Pakai IUCD ni takdelah sakit sangat macam sakit nak beranak tu.. (",)